Homeless No More
Isabella County Restoration House provides temporary shelter and empowers a pathway to self-sufficiency for homeless individuals and families in Isabella County.
Donations-Community Support
Community support is essential to helping serve the homeless population in Isabella County. Over 60% of funds come from local funding and individuals. Your financial support is needed and appreciated!
Facts About Homelessness
“A nationwide shortage of deeply affordable housing drives homelessness. The National Low Income Housing Coalition found that just 34 affordable units were available for every 100 renters making less than 30 percent of their area’s median income. As a result, 74% of extremely low-income renters pay more than 50 percent of their income on rent. Some people also need additional income for health care, and social supports that are too expensive or inaccessible on the private market.” endhomelessness.org
ICRH provides a safe place for our guests to stay while also connecting them with the necessary agencies to work toward self-sufficiency and housing options.
New Building Capital Campaign Updates
Follow along as we raise funds for renovations and transition to our new building. This next step is a big and an exciting one for everyone at ICRH and our community partners!
Become a Volunteer
Volunteering with ICRH can be a rewarding experience for everyone. Thousands of people in Isabella County have volunteered with ICRH leaving a positive impact on our community.